Barrow Church invites you to a


in Barrow Village Hall

on Friday 8th March at 7-30 pm

Tickets £12 available from June Willis 01829 749382 or Anne Law 01244 300546

Bring your own drinks and glasses

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TOUR of BRITAIN- Morley Lane

The Tour of Britain passed through the Norton’s Lane and Morley Lane intersection shortly before 1-30 pm today. Some photos below:

Bluebell Cafe Reopens

Following building work the enlarged Bluebell Cafe at Barrowmore Estate reopened on 3rd February. For bookings please call 01829 742633

Barrow Horticultural Society News- August 2020.

Autumn Show – Unfortunately this will not go ahead this year,however, we would still love you to continue sending pictures of yourbest blooms and best produce (such as giant pumpkins!)