We are an enthusiastic and welcoming group of amateur musicians who get together on Saturday mornings to play music in a fun and friendly environment.
Rehearsals are held in Great Barrow Village Hall, near Chester and we welcome players of any instrument, of any age and with any level of experience.
We are an “open admission” orchestra – which means that there is no audition and no-one is ever turned away.
We currently have 3 separate orchestras; Introductory, Intermediate and the “Main” Orchestra, so we are sure there will be an orchestra suitable to your current level of playing.
We usually perform 2 concerts per year; one at Christmas and another prior to the summer break. We occasionally receive other invitations to perform such as at charity events and at Chester Music Society Club Evenings.
· For adult players who pay by standing order and attend ONE orchestra, the subscription is 12 payments of £11 per month.
· For adult players who pay by standing order and attend TWO orchestras, the subscription is 12 payments of £12 per month.
· For adult players who pay CASH, the subscription is 11 payments of £12 per month
. The subscription for players of school age is £5 per month.
Membership of the Orchestra is open to any person interested in furthering its objects. In exceptional circumstances the committee has the power to decide that fees be waived or reduced for an individual.
Tel: 07774 153783
Email: jmorchestra@hotmail.co.uk
Like our Facebook page
Website: http://www.thejanmodelskiorchestra.co.uk/