Barrow Evergreen Circle is a friendly group of about twenty retired people living in Barrow or with connections to the village. We meet in the Village Hall on the first Monday of the month at 2.00 pm till 4.00. There is usually an illustrated talk from various speakers on a variety of topics. This is followed by a cup of tea and general conversation. We often have a Garden meeting in the summer. The month’s programme is mentioned in Barrow News and visitors and new members are always welcome.
Later in the month we like to have an outing in the Cholmondeley Bus. This is provided by the Cholmondeley Estate of which Barrow was once a part. Win is the driver and she will take up to fifteen people to a destination of our choice, Llandudno being a favourite in the summer. We can be seen gathering by “The Pump” in the morning and as we return in the afternoon. The cost of the trip is usually £5.00
At Christmas we arrange a Christmas Dinner together at a local pub, at a reduced cost to members. Our annual subscription (in 2023) is £7.00 usually payable in February. We ask members to contribute 50p per session for the tea and also to support the monthly raffle.
Contact: Ann Cavenett, Lower House, Mill Lane, Great Barrow
Tel. no: 01829 740242