Autumn Show – Unfortunately this will not go ahead this year,
however, we would still love you to continue sending pictures of your
best blooms and best produce (such as giant pumpkins!) to the village
website Please email them to, where they will then be displayed
on the Gallery page.
Thanks – At our recent (virtual) committee meeting Chris Youngs
stood down as Chair, after 9 years at the helm, successfully overseeing the village shows go from strength to strength.
Membership – We have decided not to charge for membership this
year due to the absence of both Shows. However, if you would still
like to receive your membership card for the discounts they attract
then please contact the Secretary – Kerry Walker.
Tree in Memory of Barbara Huddleston – a tree was planted on the
playing fields in memory of Barbara Huddleston. A plaque, donated by
Cestrian Signs will be added in due course.
Vacancies – We are always looking for new members to join the
Committee. We do not ask for expertise just lots of enthusiasm. We
are especially looking for someone to step into the role of Chair and
also for someone to take on the role of Show Secretary. If you are
interested please either contact me or Kerry Walker (01829 741349)
Rachel Morrison (01829 740269)

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BPPFF Playground Inspection Report August 2021

Click on “DOWNLOAD” to see the latest inspection report and photos.

Parish Council Election Result!

  The normal complement of the Parish Council is 9, with 4 attending a meeting to be quorate. To continue, the Parish Council will have to co-opt additional volunteers. Although

Horticultural Show Cancelled

News from Barrow Horticultural Society With some sadness I wish to announce that this year’s Autumn Show has been cancelled.  Let’s all hope that “normal service” can resume next year.