Barrow Community Archive

Life in Barrow in 2020

Recording the impact of Covid 19 on our Village

Now we are able to meet again in person, one of the main tasks for the Archive Group for the rest of the year will be to collate information about how life in Barrow was affected by Covid 19 and how we coped.  

The Archive is for everyone and we would very much appreciate your contributions so we can build a comprehensive record of life in Barrow during these unusual times.

Some of the things we are looking at include:

  • Photos and poems,
  • Effect on Work and wfh
  • Games and pastimes
  • Home schooling
  • Daily exercise
  • Visits to the doctor/dentist
  • Haircuts
  • Keeping in contact with friends
  • Meetings, parties and celebrations
  • Contributing to ‘Care for Barrow’
  • Gardening and sourcing plants etc
  • Shopping, food, recipes, making bread
  • Holidays
  • …………and anything else that you think may be of interest ( or help with a school project in 20 years time!) please do get in touch.

  We would love to hear from you!

Please contact Julia Frew (741661) or Sue Higginbotham, (740592).

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New Path from Long Looms to Pavilion Open

The new made-up footpath leading from Long Looms to the Pavilion is available for use by the public, including dog-walkers, provided the animal is kept on a lead.

Fish n’ Chips- Thursday evenings CANCELLED

CANCELLED We have been requested to announce that Fish and Chips will be available for sale at the Playing Field Car Park, from Village Fryer, on Thursday evenings between 5pm