News from Barrow Horticultural Society
With some sadness I wish to announce that this year’s Autumn Show has been cancelled. Let’s all hope that “normal service” can resume next year.
Best Wishes,
Kerry Walker (sec).
News from Barrow Horticultural Society
With some sadness I wish to announce that this year’s Autumn Show has been cancelled. Let’s all hope that “normal service” can resume next year.
Best Wishes,
Kerry Walker (sec).
Recent additions to the “Local Businesses” page. Any business or person providing goods or services locally is welcome to add their details to the ” Local Businesses” page, free of
The Jones’s launch a new rose to say a Heartfelt thanks to their NHS Heroes,Writes Fi MilesTarvin rose business, C & K Jones based at GoldenFields Nursery, on Barrow Lane,
Flexible Minibus Shuttle Service The Council has operated a flexible minibus service in the area for a number of years. It is designed to assist people in rural areas who