The Tour of Britain passed through the Norton’s Lane and Morley Lane intersection shortly before 1-30 pm today. Some photos below:

Leading group
Cetaphil Team car
Festina Team Car
Tail Enders at Morley Lane

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You can now book to see a GP, nurse or arrange a blood test in the evenings, at weekends and on bank holidays. Physio assessments ar also available any weekday

Christmas Tree 10th December

Switching on the Christmas Tree Lights 6-30 pm The Christmas Tree lights will be switched on at 6-30 pm, followed by Carols around the tree at the Village Pump, Main

Community Shop / Parish Council Lease meeting

Barrow Parish Council and Great Barrow Community Shop Ltd -Meeting in Public To review and discuss the Lease Agreement between Barrow Parish Council and the Great Barrow Community Shop Ltd