WE ARE reopening – In light of recent news stories we would like to let you know that from 4th July we will be open once again for business as a pub. The shop and take away will continue for as long as you continue to support it. Until further notice we are still open for business, however there are daily changes so we will keep you informed of any updates. We value all of you and want you to know that we are doing all that we can to keep everyone safe in these worrying times.
As well as our daily cleaning schedule we have introduced extra precautions to keep you safe such as doors being sanitised more frequently throughout opening times and staff hand washing more frequently. Everyone is still very welcome; we just ask that you do your part by washing your hands and implementing a little more social distancing than you normally would. We will be monitoring the number of people in the pub and keeping it to a level where everyone has enough space to feel safe.
In addition to our usual service we will be offering home delivery of meals to the high risk and vulnerable members of the Barrow community who are self-isolating and we will be supporting the church group in delivery of any prescriptions/shopping that people may need. We will also have a takeaway service for those of you that are less at risk and able to collect. Please call the pub, check the notice board outside or check social media for menu information and updates on 01829 741633.
We believe that The White Horse is a very important part of the village community and we want to do all that we can to keep us all safe and a personal note this is a worrying time for both me and The White Horse team so let’s be kind and please look after each other. ( 24/6 Posted 1252)