Cheshire West & Chester Council has issued a notice about a proposed improvement scheme for the A51 between the Tarvin Roundabout and Chester.

The project seeks to deliver a series of major junction and roundabout improvements that will see:

Additional lanes at the Stamford Bridge Roundabout and widening of the existing bridge over the River Gowy and capacity improvements at the Tarvin Roundabout.

Changes to the road layout, widening, lane marking, restricting traffic movements at Hare Lane/ Littleton Lane and better signage.

New crossing points and improved facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users are also planned.

The work is expected to commence in Summer 2020 and complete in Spring 2021.

Two drop in public exhibitions are being held:

  1. 3rd September from 10am to 4.45 pm at Chester Rugby Club, Hare Lane
  2. 4th September from 11am to 7pm at Stamford Bridge Inn

Full details may be found at website

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White Horse Inn – Christmas

Christmas Fayre menu  1st to 24th December 2 courses £19.95                 children under 11 £12.95 for 2 courses 3 courses £23.95                (Deposit and pre order required 7 days before) To start…….

Plant Sale & Afternoon Cream Tea. -Saturday 16th May

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HAVE YOUR SAY All residents are invited to complete the Community Hub Survey 2020 To complete the survey, follow this link: OR Complete your copy of the survey that