The Society’s Annual General Meeting will be held on

Barrow Village Hall 7.30pm

Tuesday 17 March 2020


Floral Art Judge, Judith Windsor, will give a demonstration of flower arranging. Anne Law, who judges the food classes, will be giving advice on entering the Cakes & Preserve classes at the Autumn show.

Refreshments and Raffle


Any enquiries should be addressed to Mr Kerry Walker

6 Barrow Hall Farm Village Road

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Barrow Horticultural Society

Best Blooms in Barrow Calling All Budding Gardeners/Photographers/Artists As we were unable to hold the Rose Show in the Village Hall this year we are inviting you to share a


Barrow Horticultural Society 76th Autumn Show Schedule Saturday 7th September 2019 Barrow Village Hall. Show Opens at 2.30 pm. Presentation of Prizes at 4pm, followed by Auction and Raffle Refreshments


ROSE SHOW SCHEDULE 2019 Click on the link above to view the schedule for the Rose Show BARROW HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Please find attached the Schedule for the Barrow Horticultural Society