Summer Exhibition 2020

Did you attend Barrow school or Pre School? If so, the History Group would love to hear from you.

The topic for our Exhibition this year is Barrow School and Pre School and we would like to create a chain of memories going as far back as we can, up to the present day.

The children currently at the School will be contributing their thoughts about School life today and the Exhibition will also include some documents from the School’s history. We also hope to collect memories from earlier days and should be grateful for any reminiscences or stories about School life and activities, newspaper cuttings, other documents, or photos.

If you have a memory of the School or Pre school in any capacity, (eg a pupil, parent, carer, teacher or Barrow resident), please do get in touch. Also, if you have any documents or photos of School events and are prepared to lend them to the Archive to be copied and used in the Exhibition, we would love to see them.

Please contact us for further information: Julia Frew (741661), Sue Higginbotham.

(As usual the Exhibition will be held in the Okell Room at the Village Hall and will coincide with the Rose Show in June. More details to follow in April.)

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