What does it mean to be a BPPFF trustee/ management committee member?
The Barrow Parish Playing Fields Foundation is a charity, set up to maintain the Playing Field and protect it as a much-loved park, children’s playground and sports and leisure facility.
Everyone benefits from having this wonderful green space in the middle of the village and the Committee who manage it should ideally reflect as broad a cross section of users in the village as possible. Parents and children, bowlers, footballers and Buzzard Runners are just some of the people for whom the Playing Field is an invaluable resource.
The Playing Field and the buildings on it are leased from the Parish Council, who also appoint the BPPFF Committee, which has between 3 and 11 members as well as the option of appointing additional “observing members”.
For anyone who would like to get involved, here’s a quick summary of what BPPFF committee members/trustees do:
- Attend a minimum of 3 meetings a year, (but the group may decide to meet more often)
- Arrange maintenance of the field
- Inspect the play equipment monthly
- Apply for grants and accept donations to be reinvested in improved facilities
- Agree budgets and the use of any funds in line with the requirements of the BPPFF constitution and the rules laid down by the Charity Commission
Looking ahead, the Parish Council aims to work with the BPPFF to resolve issues around the lease and use of the pavilion for the benefit of the whole community.
Trustees are appointed from July 1st each year for a 12-month period.