Barrow Footpaths Committee
Barrow is lucky to have a substantial network of thirty-two public footpaths, which allows us to walk many of the fields and by-ways of our lovely countryside. Most of these footpaths are statutory rights of way, although some are ‘permissive’, where access has been granted by the landowner. Horses and vehicles (other than those of the landowner) should not use these routes but dogs are allowed, subject to the usual rules on ‘picking-up’ and keeping pets under control.
Our footpaths range from well-known short walks enjoyed by many dog-walkers, through to longer, cross-field paths which continue into neighbouring parishes. While landowners have a responsibility not to impede access to the footpaths, responsibility for undergrowth clearance, signage and maintenance of stiles and kissing gates will often lie with the local authority. Access for less physically capable members of the public is a consideration, but it is not practicable to apply the usual rules for disability access.
An Invitation
Footpaths in Barrow are in better condition than in many other places because the Footpaths Committee maintains a close watch on the network and liaises promptly with Cheshire West and Chester Council to correct deficiencies. The Footpaths Committee is a sub-committee of Barrow Parish Council but membership is open to any resident.
We invite you to think about joining the Footpaths Committee. We meet for an hour or two every six weeks. There are no onerous duties: we simply seek feedback from your own experience of the condition of the paths and any views you may have more generally. It is certainly not expected that you should tramp all of our footpaths routinely. We might invite you to regard one or two paths as being your responsibility to monitor on a reasonably regular basis, but this simply involves walking them as a stranger might do: is it reasonably passable; are the signs in place; are the stiles still manageable? Membership is a great way to learn more about our parish and what is going on.
Our next meeting is on Monday 4th November at 7.30 in the Village Hall. If you like walking and enjoy our countryside, please come along and see what we do, before committing.