From the BPPFF

Deciduous tree           A BIG THANK YOU

– to the Chumpers for clearing the weeds from the perimeter of the Playing Field and

– to Clive and Vernon for cleaning the gutters on the new Pavilion

          and together, keeping our Playing Field tidy!

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Barrow-lympics 20th July 2024

This year Great Barrows now seemingly annual fete will be the BARROW-LYMICS! join the village for a day of fun in the sun on the 20th of July at the


    . Work has commenced to demolish the old Pavilion on the Playing Field. This is another step towards the building for the proposed new Village Shop.    

Vacancies on the Parish Council and Barrow Parish Playing Field Foundation

PLEASE APPLY BY 15th JUNE TO What does it mean to be a BPPFF trustee/ management committee member? The Barrow Parish Playing Fields Foundation is a charity, set up