From the BPPFF

Deciduous tree           A BIG THANK YOU

– to the Chumpers for clearing the weeds from the perimeter of the Playing Field and

– to Clive and Vernon for cleaning the gutters on the new Pavilion

          and together, keeping our Playing Field tidy!

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Playing Field – Play Equipment Consultation

Playing Field – Play Equipment ConsultationThe Barrow Parish Playing Fields Foundation (BPPFF) is actively exploring the possibility of upgrading the play equipment on the Playing Field. To progress this we

Playing Fields AGM

Annual General Meeting Barrow Parish Playing Fields Foundation (Reg Charity Number 510891) Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Barrow Parish Playing Fields Foundation (BPPFF) will be

BOWLING CLUB Race Night – 15th January 2020.

BARROW VILLAGE BOWLING CLUB RACE NIGHT WEDNESDAY 15th JANUARY 2020 COMMENCING AT 7.30pm FIRST RACE 8pm Barrow Village Bowling Club will be holding a Race Night in “The White Horse”