Playing Field – Play Equipment Consultation
The Barrow Parish Playing Fields Foundation (BPPFF) is actively exploring the possibility of upgrading the play equipment on the Playing Field.

To progress this we have done the following:

  • Conducted a workshop to identify options for development of the playing field
  • Explored funding avenues via grant funding
  • Engaged several companies to provide us with designs

To obtain grant funding we need to have consulted with the village on our proposed scheme. On 3rd May between 3:30pm and 5pm, the BPPFF will be hosting a consultation meeting at the Pavilion where Playdale, one of the play equipment providers, will share their design so we can canvas input from the village.

Please join the members of the BPPFF and Playdale next Friday to discuss further. Refreshments will be available.

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Bowling Club AGM

Given the recent relaxation of the Covid restrictions and in the hope that the majority of members  will be happy to cautiously meet for an AGM in February the committee

Playing Field (BPPFF)

Recent minutes of Barrow Parish Playing Field Foundation meetings