A few highlights from your PC meeting on Monday June 21 – for the full picture, if you’d like to know more, you can find the minutes here:
These notes are intended to give a flavour of what the PC does on behalf of the community – It is, of course, a team effort and if you would like to get involved or have expertise in areas that you feel may be helpful, please let us know!

1. The Pavilion – EU Leader Grant & Planning
An EU Leader Grant was used to part-fund the construction of the new Pavilion on the Playing Field. This
was provided on the basis that (1) There would be a Community Shop operating in the Pavilion and (2) The new Pavilion would directly lead to a minimum level of employment. The PC is looking to address
both of these conditions. The PC is also in contact with Cheshire West and Chester Planning Department
regarding Planning conditions relating to the building and how best to resolve several outstanding

  1. Planning – Barrowmore
    New Planning applications were discussed and reviewed. Barrowmore has submitted a proposal for 20
    new houses on a brownfield site on Barnhouse Lane, opposite the main entrance to the estate, together
    with associated infrastructure (footpaths etc). An open meeting has been arranged for Tuesday June
    29th at 18.45 at the Village Hall to take a closer look at the plans, with Patrick Haycock (Barrowmore CEO) and the project’s architect. This will give residents the chance to share their views with both
    Barrowmore and the PC. In the meantime, if you would like to see the plans, check out this link:
  2. Planning Protocols & Policies
    The PC is defining more formally how it will handle future planning issues and revisiting the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, with the aim of updating and finalising it for discussion with CWAC and further
    consultation with residents. The PC is also reviewing its GDPR policy over the next few months. An updated Footpaths Policy has been drafted, to be finalised with the Footpaths Committee.
  3. Accounts & Governance
    The annual Governance and Accountability return is making steady progress, with the newly appointed PC gathering information, communicating with the external auditor who is looking at the 2019-2020 accounting period and finalising the report for 2020-2021.
  4. BPPFF (Barrow Parish Playing Field Foundation)
    10 residents have come forward to act as trustees and committee members for the BPPFF and all were
    duly appointed for the term 1st July 2020 – 30th June 2021. One of the BPPFF’s first tasks will be to arrange a “Completion Ceremony” for the Sports England Community Asset Fund (a Sports England
    grant was used to fund the car park and access road).
  5. Playing Field – Other Matters
    Rubbish bins on the Playing Field may need to be relocated now the Car Park is being used. This is to be reviewed in consultation with CWAC.
    Dogs have been spotted off their leads on the Playing Field. Signs are to be commissioned to remind dog owners of their responsibilities and identify more obviously where dogs on leads are permitted.
  6. Footpaths & Verge Maintenance
    A reasonably well-equipped, ageing but enthusiastic platoon of “Chumpers” were thanked for clearing the Hall Lane Footpath and their services commissioned for a similar exercise on the “Sunken Path”, again near the Church. Any volunteers for similar tasks to help keep the village looking its best are very welcome.
  7. Flood Working Group
    Following last month’s visit by CWAC’s Flood Projects Officer it was reported that he had been sent various photographs, videos and additional background information on the January flooding in the
    village. He had acknowledged receipt of these and the first report back is due by June 30th. Once we have the report, the Flood Working Group will be assembled and meet for the first time (either in
    person or via Zoom) to discuss next steps.
  8. Asset & Tree Inspections
    The Barrow PC Asset inspection is well under way, with liaison with BPPFF and the Bowling Club ongoing over the location and value of various items on the register.
  9. Communication with Residents
    PC Communications continue to be channelled via the Community website, PC website and Care for Barrow WhatsApp & Facebook groups, as well as Barrow News.
  10. AOB
    The PC wished to say a big “Thank You!” to all the volunteer litter pickers for their excellent work at the start of this month clearing debris from the parish’s footpaths and verges.
    The War Memorial in the church yard has been resprayed with “smart water” to help protect it.
    Ownership of and responsibility for the War Memorial is to be clarified with Andy Stinson, the outgoing rector.
    Several applications have been received for the vacancy of Parish Council Clerk, and an interview panel of PC members confirmed.
    Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Please come along if you’re interested in getting more actively involved in the future of your village or let us know in advance if there is any issue concerning the village that you would like to raise for discussion.

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The new Parish Council has been busy working out the finances of the Pavilion and Playing Field over recent months and identifying the work that remains to be done. So

Meet the new Parish Councillors

BARROW PARISH COUNCIL Meet the newly elected Parish Councillors:- Katie JonesI’m Katie Jones, I live in the village with my husband Andy, our little girl Aoife and our dog Winston.

Summary of Barrowmore responses

SUMMARY OF BARROWMORE’S RESPONSES IN CONSULTATION RE PROPOSED BARROWMORE DEVELOPMENT 29TH June, 2021 Barrowmore: Patrick Haycock Beeston Aspinall Architecture, Architect: Sarah Aspinall Footpath to Hawkins View: The proposed gates will