29TH June, 2021
Barrowmore: Patrick Haycock
Beeston Aspinall Architecture, Architect: Sarah Aspinall
Footpath to Hawkins View:
- The proposed gates will be widened to enable wheelchair user access
- The surface will be all-weather
- It will be a public footpath, replacing the current one on the opposite side of the field. It will be a public right of way.
- The current hedging boundary will not be removed
- The architects and Barrowmore would have preferred the footpath to enter the bottom of Hawkins View. However, the ownership of a small piece of land there is unknown so that is not possible at present. This situation may change.
Footpath on Barrowmore:
- This would be similar to the existing path
- It will be maintained by Barrowmore
- It will have discreet low-level lighting
- There will be an all-weather surface
- It will not be suitable for cyclists or as a bridle-way
What will happen if Planning is refused?
- The charity has to raise money. They have several options. The most likely is that they would sell for commercial use;another possibility could be to improve and add to the current commercial properties to increase the ncome there. The Barrowmore Estate costs around £1 million pa to run and this part of the estate makes no money.
Consultation with Barrowmore Residents
- This has been on-going for over 10 years. Everyone is aware of the plans. A recent focus group included nearly 50% of residents – which is a good number as some do not wish to interact or be involved.
- In general, Barrowmore Residents are excited about the development and potential for improved facilities
- Some Residents raised concerns about more dogs – some are afraid of dogs; and also there was a reference to more mowing, as some of the residents also work and volunteer on the estate and are responsible for some of the maintenance on the estate. The Residents did however accept that the creation of more employment was a good thing for the future of the estate. The common areas of the proposed new development will be maintained by Barrowmore – so there will be more grass to maintain.
Open Space at Development
- The proposed area of open public space will be unfenced and designed to encourage it to be used
- It was placed with the advice of the arboriculturist to preserve trees
Who will build the development?
- At the last count 18 developers had approached Barrowmore. They will want to get the best deal. No decisions have been made prior to obtaining planning permission.
- One option is for Barrowmore to develop the site themselves with a builder. They would make more money doing it this way – but that is a big decision and will not be considered at this stage.
- A number of local tradesmen have also approached the architects – a note of their details has been taken and the idea of generating business locally with work on the development has obvious appeal.
- If the development goes ahead, and the land is sold to a developer, there could be conditions set on the number of houses ie. Not more than 20; and also on the footpath – who would build it and to what standard.
- Conditions can be put on outline planning as well as full planning.
Compliance with local community wishes and Parish Plan
- The architect and Barrowmore have complied with Barrow’s Parish Plan which stated a need for a mix of smaller and larger properties to enable families to make the next move.
- Local residents have emphasised that they need some development to sustain the village school; pub; church and proposed shop.
- CWaC however feel that Barrowmore is not integral to the main village and is too far out. They believe that local people will not use the new footpath for that reason.
- Public Health have made recommendations about the gates on the footpath. Changes will be made in respect of this to ensure improved accessibility.
- Since the first plans were made some years ago, the law has changed, and now all new properties have to comply with regulations about mobility use.
- It usually takes 3 months to process and decide a planning application. Currently this is taking longer (up to six months).
- Allowing for liaison with developers; building regulations approvals etc. It could take two more years to break ground on the site.
- Planning approval lapses after 3 years, so there is an urgency to deliver once approval is granted.
Next Step
- We need the village’s support to help get the planning through. If Planning is refused as it was with previous applications the decision can be overturned by the CWaC Planning Committee, but the support of the village would be essential for this to happen. The village has asked for selective residential development to help assure its sustainability in both its Parish Plan and draft Neighbourhood Plan – both documents written after public consultation.
- Go onto CWaC’s website, and enter the planning portal. You can make an online submission.