The Pavilion – An Information Notice from the PC & Playing Field Foundation

The Parish Council were informed in September, that a couple may still be interested in running a shop and post office at the pavilion. We asked for a more detailed proposal/business plan and are waiting to see this. We know that quite a few people in the village were disappointed that the community shop fell through, after an immense effort by dedicated, enthusiastic residents. However, we have established that having a commercially run shop in the pavilion would not be straightforward and may have significant cost implications. In response to the leaflet distributed to many homes during the last week the Parish Council and Barrow Parish Playing Field Association have issued a joint statement, outlining some of the key issues and obligations that we need to address in considering any plans for the pavilion. You can read it in full here, on the Parish Council and Community websites and on the Parish notice boards. It’s well worth a read to help get a feel for some of the things we are grappling with and seeking to resolve in everyone’s best interests! 

Posted at 1752 on 9th December 2021

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Bluebell Cafe Reopens

Following building work the enlarged Bluebell Cafe at Barrowmore Estate reopened on 3rd February. For bookings please call 01829 742633


We’re experiencing unprecedented times. It’s a worry for people everywhere, but we’re lucky in Barrow to be such a close-knit community of neighbours and friends that naturally pulls together. HELP