Please be aware that the front cover picture and subsequent maps are not present in this version but will be included in the finished copy – Pippa Johnson has kindly agreed to take comments on this from those that are unable to attend the meeting on Saturday 18th March at the Village Hall – 2.00 – 4.00. Please ensure that you are respectful, and only appropriate comments are forwarded onto Pippa –
Pippa will take comments up to the 1st April 2017
Final grammar and spelling will be finalised in the completed document.
Plan 2012-30
“Barrow is rightly regarded as a very beautiful place, with a wonderful blend of farmland, traditional parkland and many wildlife habitats. It is also a thriving and supportive community enjoyed by people of all ages.” (Barrow Parish Plan”) The Parish has also won major awards such as the Community Spirit, Community Pride and Best Kept Village competitions.
The Parish Plan is reviewed regularly in Parish Council meetings and many proposals set out in the plan have been met or are currently being addressed. Appendix D provides comprehensive information of the Action Plan progress set out on Pages 22-28 of the Parish Plan.
The Neighbourhood Plan proposition was first presented to the community on Oct 15th, 2012 and with public support had its inaugural meeting in January 2013, being registered later in that year.
Since then many public meetings, consultations and surveys (Appendix C) have been carried out, that together with the Parish Plan, contribute to the creation of this document.
Barrow Parish Council is committed to the sustainability of this Parish as shown in the Policies that follow.
Contents [please note these pages are to be finalised in due course]
Page 3 Foreword
Page 7-9 Introduction and background
Page 12-13 Structure of the Plan
Page 14-15 Achieving sustainable development for the whole Parish
Page 16-19 – The Environment
Page 20-23 – Housing development
Page 24-26 – Traffic and transport
Page 27-29 – Leisure, Facilities and Amenities
Page 30-34 – Business and Employment
Maps A page 35 – The Tithemap
Map B page 36 – Map of the Parish
Map C page 37 – Map showing the 31 footpaths traversing the Parish
Map D page 38 – Vistas and viewpoints
Appendix A – Log of Action
Appendix B – Steering group meetings and minutes
Appendix C – Consultations and surveys.
Appendix D – Parish Plan action progress report
Appendix E – Parish Councils Plans for road survey and proposals for speed reductions and calming methods.
Introduction and Background
“Barrow Parish is a rural community set within a well-maintained environment of green fields, woodlands and footpaths, sandstone features and flourishing bio-diversity. The community thrives on this and the social interaction of its various and many organisations” (Barrow Parish Plan)
The vision of our NDP is to shape our future development by retaining sustaining and enhancing essential characteristics of the agricultural and historical community within this ancient setting including pockets of housing development that would support the existing infrastructure and add to the overall sustainability of the Parish fitting in and being compatible with the local landscape. |
This document outlines the policies connected with this vision until 2030. The local community have been consulted through each step undertaken and records of all contributions make up the completed Consultation Document (Appendix C). The proposed NDP incorporates and projects Barrow’s 2007/8 Parish Plan advice and recommendations. A detailed examination of the Parish Plan was undertaken at the start, revealing the extensive action that has been undertaken and achieved. A copy of this document can be seen in Appendix D (at the end of the document)
Location of Barrow Parish
The area outlined in black on the map on Map B is the designated area for Barrow Parish and is the area under discussion in the Neighbourhood Plan.
Barrow is a rural parish lying within the former Chester City District, now Cheshire West and Chester. The Parish measures around 2.9 miles, both north/south and east/west. Most of its settlements lie on the sandstone ridge rising above the sparsely populated flood meadows of the River Gowy, separating Barrow from Chester City and its adjoining suburbs. The Parish is bounded by the busy A51 and A56 and is, therefore, very accessible whilst still retaining its rural peace and character in an attractive, pastoral environment.
The countryside landscape of the Parish comprises the Gowy Valley and Barrow Hill and plains to the north and south. The built-up areas are surrounded by open countryside of fields, hedges and streams. The entire Parish is washed over by the Green Belt, with some areas being designated as conservation areas (yellow outline Map B) and others of special natural history significance.
How the Plan was prepared
The plan has been prepared by members of the Parish Council and community working together as a steering group to develop the proposed objectives, with ongoing consultations with the Parish. We have received help and guidance from Cheshire West and Chester Spatial Planning Department and Cheshire Community Action.
Consultation and evidence gathering
The process of consultation began in October 2012 (see Appendix C1) with a full village hall who gathered to listen to an explanation of the process of developing an NDP from the Parish Council and a member of the Spatial Planning Team of CWAC.
The steering group began by reviewing and utilising the Parish Plan (Appendix D). Since then consultations have been plentiful taking the form of “Drop-in Sessions,” Area meetings in the five areas of the Parish, formal presentations of the vision and Proposed Objectives of the plan, Primary School, Pre-school and Young People’s consultations, views of local businesses and full parish questionnaires. The Steering group have met monthly with full records listed in Appendix B.
The first draft presentation of the Plan to the whole parish took the form of a public meeting in April 2015. This was followed by the amended Draft plan being placed in key places in the Parish for public consultation from May 1st for 6 weeks. This draft plan was then submitted to CWAC for appraisal in 2017.
Final Plan. Submission and Examination
Structure of the Plan
The aim of the Neighbourhood Plan is to set out the Vision of the Community for the future of the Parish of Barrow until 2030. It continues the policy of reviewing and developing elements of the Parish Plan and has worked closely with the original members of that Steering Group to create the vision stated below.
The Neighbourhood Plan contains 5 objectives that seek to provide a framework for managing new development within the compass of the overall vision.
Policy 1 – To protect, conserve and sustain the countryside landscape and environment, by continuing to support and facilitate the various societies who maintain the high quality environment with its wide bio-diversity
Policy 2 – To support measured, appropriate and sustainable housing development in line with community consultation, the NPPF guidelines and the Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan
Policy 3 – To regulate traffic and ensure that road usage is sustainable given the character of the village.
Policy 4 – To retain, promote and sustain leisure and amenity facilities
Policy 5 – To strengthen and support economic considerations and employment by encouraging a thriving infrastructure of business and enterprise, “through existing businesses and new buildings
Barrow is a historic, agricultural community situated in the Greenbelt (Map B) that is protected by national designation with a presumption against development,
“The fundamental aim of Green belt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open…” (NPPF Section 9 para 79)
There are two conservation areas, in Great Barrow and Little Barrow (Map B). Barrow also has brownfield sites for important building consideration.
The aim of the NDP in relation to the environment is protect the landscape of Barrow Parish including the vistas, the range of wildlife, the land used for agriculture (the local farms are outlined in blue on the map), the open space in the village centre (on map in green) and the Barrowmore Estate (on map in orange).
Sites of Open Space Value
Much of the Parish has open grass verges, some of which are tree-lined. Other open spaces provide beauty and character to the areas of residence. They are of major importance to the rural aspect of the village.
- Norman’s Wood (Barrow Parish Council)
- Barrowmore Parkland and Estate (owned by the Barrowmore Charity)
- Ferma Wood. 2005 (Planted and managed by the Ferma Wood Trust)
- Nabs Wood, 2008 (private owner, but allowed public access)
Vistas and Viewpoints – Viewpoints (outlined on map 4)
- Milton Brook up to St Bartholomew’s and vice versa.
- Lych Gate southwards to Gowy plain / Milton Brook and south eastwards towards Beeston and Peckforton Castles. (See page 7)
- View down Main Street over the pump and down Mill Lane
- Ferma Lane southwards over the Gowy plain / Milton Brook
- Ferma lane westwards towards Guilden Sutton over Gowy plain (See Page 12)
- Top Lane looking out to see the three Cathedrals
- Little Barrow north eastwards to Helsby Hill
- Barrowmore southwards over parkland, towards the village and old mill/ pond “complex.”
- Barrrowmore Parkland eastwards towards Kelsall
Objective ENV1
Development will be considered that comes forward on available brownfield sites, this is supported in the local plan Strat 8? Maps B, C and D
Objective ENV2
Development will be expected to respect the detailing and quality of existing housing stock and the historic and natural assets of the Parish. |
Justification and Evidence
Community Feedback
Consultation on the emerging Neighbourhood Plan revealed the following key issues in relation to this policy.
- to protect the greenbelt and green spaces as identified in the NPPF guidance and the CWAC Local Plan
- To protect and conserve the Barrow environment, woodlands, the biodiversity corridors of footpaths and hedgerows, the diversity of wildlife and ecosystems being key assets of the community.
- Concern about encroachment into the Green Belt and Green Space, which is to be protected.
Evidenced in Consultations C2, page 4, C3-C8 pages 5-33 (Area meetings) C10 (Primary School) pages 44-77. These page numbers refer to the Consultation file.
Supporting Documentation
NPPF Green Space p18, para 67; Green Belt p19-21, para 83
CWAC Local Plan – STRAT 8 and 9 and 5.72/73 (p 39) and ENV 2, 3, 4 (p 81-86)
There are 449 dwellings in the Parish of Barrow. Of these 208 are located in central village, with the rest spread throughout the parish with smaller settlements in Little Barrow, Long Green, Broomhill, Hollowmoor Heath, and Stamford Bridge. This policy reflects that the whole of the parish lies within Green Belt designation and therefore is in keeping with the NPPF guidelines outlined in Section 9, “Protecting Greenbelt Land, paragraphs 79–92 and the Local Plan Strat 8.
Consultation shows that pockets of housing development are favoured, on brownfield sites, where visual impact on the greenbelt would be minimal, and would be in keeping with the conservation areas, and the character and buildings within the Parish.
Objective HOU1
Housing development should meet the needs of Barrow Parish Community by providing sustainable development. |
Objective HOU2
Development would be favoured that supplies a range of housing stock, in small developments and infill plots. |
Justification and Evidence
Community Feedback
Consultation on the emerging Neighbourhood Plan revealed the following key issues. (See Appendix C14)
- 96% favoured growth of up to 40 houses over the next 10–15 years (Consultation C14 question 1)
- Social homes are not a priority, rather starter homes and larger family homes (C14 Question 2)
- Residents favour building on available brownfield sites and also infill, but not on green field sites (C14 Question 3)
- Anticipation of retirement homes for an increasingly aging population was noted (C14 Question 4)
- 56% expressed concern that the character of Barrow should be preserved and 37% indicated concern for the environment (Vision Statement C14 Question 5)
- Transport, car parking, road limitations were issues with which the community felt concern (See Policy 3 and C14 Question 5)
Supporting Documentation
CWAC Local Plan (Strategy 8 – Rural Plan)
- NPPFF (Page 3 presumption in favour of sustainable development), (P5-7 Core planning principles and delivering sustainable development), (P9 Supporting a prosperous rural community), (P 12 delivering a wide choice of high quality homes)
- Extraordinary meetings held by Barrow Parish Council (See Parish Council minutes of June 2005 and 24 July 2013 and public meeting 11 November 2014))
- Consultations (see Appendix C 13)
- Document – “Understanding the Community Right to Build”
- Document – “Building for Life 12”
Barrow is a rural Parish with no major roads running within it. The busy B5132 runs north to south between the A56 and A51. An increasing number of motorists use this as a “cut through” to avoid heavy traffic and traffic lights on the A51. The roads and lanes are widely used by agricultural equipment. The Parish is dissected by country lanes including the Tarvin back road which, again, is heavily used by traffic seeking an alternative route to Tarvin avoiding major roads.
Morning and evening rush hours further increase the traffic flow and speeding traffic is a danger to the school children. Long HGVs cause problems on the small lanes causing obstructions, getting stuck on tight bends, causing damage to sandstone rock formations and weak and low bridges.
Public transport is limited. A bus runs to Chester twice, on three days of the week, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but not in either rush hour A bus conveys the secondary school children to Christleton High School. The car is primarily the major mode of transport for the community.
Pavements come to an abrupt end at dangerous points throughout the Parish and any new developments need to incorporate pavements, paths or walkways. Interest has been shown (67.1%) in the reinstatement of Little Barrow Railway Station (Bar Chart B – Public Transport)
Objective TRANS
To ensure safe and sustainable use of the road structure, by the adoption of appropriate traffic measures New development should provide measures to mitigate the impacts of increased traffic on residents, equestrians and cyclists and to improve provision and quality of pavements for pedestrians.
Justification and Evidence
Consultation Consensus
To address serious concerns in the Parish of increased traffic and speeding issues and the impact of any new development on traffic and transport. The Parish Council are currently working with CWAC on large scale plans dealing with the above in accordance with the Parish Plan and public concern (Appendix E)
Community Feedback
Consultation for the emerging Neighbourhood Plan has revealed the following key issues, outlined in the full consultation surveys designated C15 on pages 102-125 and C16 pages 126-127 of the consultation File.
The need for a regular bus service – 89.4%% agreed. Appendix C15 Bar chart C “Public Transport” The Young People’s Survey, Appendix C16, also indicates the need for a regular bus service.
- 3% thought it very important to see a reduction in the speed limit currently, but even more essential with new development. Appendix C15 Bar Chart A – “Speeding”
- A need for off road (76.3%) amenity (69.7%) and residential parking (80.3%) Appendix C15 Bar Chart B – “Parking” The community are keen that new development should incorporate plans for the above objectives with off-road parking facilities Appendix C15 Bar Charts A, B. C, D – “Speeding, Public Transport, Other means of Transport, Parking.”
- 9% thought the creation of pavement extensions were very important Appendix C15 Bar Chart D – “Other means of transport”
Supporting Documentation
The National Planning Policy Framework Page 9, no. 4 ”Promoting sustainable transport, para :29: 31: 32
The emerging Cheshire West Local Plan Strat 10 Transport and Accessibility
Building for Life12, page 3 & 10
Although, the Parish is only 5 miles from Chester, facilities include a Primary School with excellent Ofsted reports, two public houses and a Social Club, 3 cafes/restaurants, allotments, and the Barrowmore Charity caring for vulnerable adults.
Other recreational spaces include the Playing Field in central Great Barrow with bowling green and children’s play area, The Cricket Ground, 3 woodlands, 31 countryside walks (outlined in a published booklet available for purchase) and the Barrowmore Victorian parkland.
The Village Hall, Millennium Rooms, the Church, School Hall and Pavillion are also used as venues for meetings, concerts, musical gatherings and Parish Community events.
There are over 35 clubs and societies ranging from Babes and Toddlers to the “Evergreens,” Church Homegroups, Book clubs, craft and painting groups and various sporting activity groups.
Sites of Sport, Recreation and Amenity Value
These sites are valued areas where teams, clubs and people meet socially for recreation and where social events are held.
- The Barrow Playing Field
- Bowling Green
- The Cricket Field
- Children’s Play Area
- Allotments off the B5132, northern end of Great Barrow
Objective LAL1
Proposals for development that help retain and promote local amenities will be favoured above those which do not.
- Barrowmore Parkland on the Barrowmore Estate
Justification and Evidence
Community Feedback
Surveys indicated strong support for all the items in Appendix C15 Bar Chart F – Community Activities. Appendix C16, The Young People’s survey, shows a need for teenage recreational facilities.
Appendix C15, Bar Charts F & G – “Community Activities” and “Other Community Amenities” and Bar Chart H – “Community Venues” also show that policies 1 and 2 are important to the community.
With regard to the importance of public opinion regarding the Leisure and Amenity facilities in the Parish, it is important that housing development, as indicated in Policy 2, would facilitate and support the objectives in this policy. Funding for maintenance is essential and this would be welcomed from grant applications, Lottery funding, New Homes Bonus and S106 money.
Supporting Documentation
Building for Life12 pages 3-4
National Planning Policy Framework page 17, no 8 “Promoting Healthy Communities.”
The CWAC Local Plan – Strat 11 Infrastructure and Social SOC 5 Health and Well being.
CWAC Rural regeneration strategy and action plan, 2011
Barrow Parish has an important, thriving economy, divided into three main types.
Agriculture: Historically, farming was the principal economic factor. Though the introduction of machinery reduced employment, much of the land in the Parish is still used for agriculture. Farming remains an integral part of the countryside economy. There is an impact on the local infrastructure from large agricultural machinery.
Industry: There are significant areas of industry and employment at Stamford Bridge and Little Barrow. The Barrowmore Estate has 37 Business units providing employment for the community and beyond.
Hospitality: Barrow Parish has two Public Houses. One is a major restaurant at Stamford Bridge, the other is centrally located and also provides food and accommodation. There is a Community Social Club near Hollowmoor Heath. There are three cafes, one on the Barrowmore Estate, one in Little Barrow and the Village Shop which serves light refreshments.
The three areas described, especially the industry and hospitality sectors, provide significant employment.
Consultation Consensus
- To support the retention and development of businesses.
- To maintain the high level of hospitality offered in the Parish.
- To protect the working, farming ring of green belt surrounding the parish.
Objective Econ
To sustain and develop the existing business in the Parish in the areas of light industry, agriculture and hospitality |
Justification and Evidence
Community Feedback
Results of the Business and Employment Surveys 13 2nd survey returns
Appendix C17, pages 128-129
- Significant employment figures for the parish
- Most business wish to stay where they are
- Many would favour the possibility of expansion
- Some would prefer additional accommodation
- A Business centre with shops and storage units was favoured by a few
From the survey returns it was clear that there is significant employment within these organisations, ranging from one employee to 23, per business, eight wished to stay where they are, three wished to relocate to another area, eight considered expansion very important and three fairly important, two wanted additional accommodation with seven ticking the “maybe” box.
The results of the Business Hospitality surveys – 5 returns out of 5 – Appendix C17 page 128-129
Between two and 30 people are employed in this sector; five would look for further expansion and would not wish to relocate to another area; two said no to additional accommodation, one said yes and two maybe.
- The hospitality business has increased in the parish
- Significant numbers are employed
- All businesses want to stay where they are
- Several would welcome expansion possibilities
- Some would welcome additional accommodation
The results of the Agricultural Survey
Seven returns out of 15 Appendix C 17 page 128-129. Some businesses are family concerns, others employed from 2-8 staff with extra seasonal workers. six wanted future expansion and most would like additional accommodation.
- mainly dairy, beef, pigs and arable farming
- employment from 2 to 8 workers
- Most favoured expansion of business
- Most required additional accomodation
- mixed views on central storage
There is a viable rural economy in all three sectors of employment that the policies seek to maintain and expand.
Supporting Documentation
- NPPF Achieving sustainable development – “Delivering sustainable development”– Building a strong, competitive economy, p6 sections 18-22
- Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan Strategy 5, 5.70, 5.71
NDP LOG of Action begun 15 October 2012 | |||
Date | Action | Comment | |
12th June 2012 PC minute | PC resolved to develop an NDP | Minute 75.03.12 (see registration document) | |
10th July 2012 PC minute | Residents to be informed via website, Barrow News mag. And notice boards | Minute 104.12 A public meeting will be advertised for October 15th (see registration document) | |
October 15th 2012 | Public presentation of NDP with Ms Anne Mosquera from Spatial Planning, CWAC. | Meeting well attended. See Appendix C1. “Have your Say,” cards were distributed. Results published Feb 2013, Barrow News | |
January 7th 2013 | Inaugural meeting of the Steering Group | Minutes in calendar order,
Appendix B1 |
Oct 2012 – Jan 2013 | Have your say cards distributed via shop and Barrow News | Results
Appendix C2 |
1st drop in session Jan 24th 2013 | Informal chat on parishioner issues | Results in Appendix C3 | |
2nd drop in session Feb 5th 2013 | Informal chat on parishioner issues | Results in Appendix C3 | |
February 4th 2013 | NDP Steering Group meeting | Appendix B2 | |
March 14th 2013 | NDP steering Group Meeting | Appendix B3 | |
April 16th 2013 | NDP Steering Group Meeting | Appendix B4 | |
April 22nd | 1st area consultation for and at Stamford Bridge | Appendix C4 | |
April 30th | 2nd area consultation for and at Little Barrow and Broomhill | Appendix C5 | |
May 7th | 3rd area consultation for and at Long Green and environs | Appendix C6 | |
May15th | NDP Steering Group meeting | Appendix B5 | |
May 16th | 4th Area Consultation, Irons Lane, Hollowmoor Heath, Barrowmore at the Irons Lane Social Club | Appendix C7 | |
June 6th | 5th Area Consultation central village, Great Barrow | Appendix C8 | |
June 18th | NDP Steering Group meeting | Appendix B6 | |
July 10th | Initial introduction to the primary School of the NDP | Appendix C10 | |
July 11th | NDP Steering Group meeting | Appendix B7 | |
July 12th | Two presentations for consultation to 1. Key Stage 1 and 2. Key Stage two with Power Point and Batty the Barrow Bat | Appendix C10 | |
July 12th | Presentation in the Village Hall for the Parish of the results of the area meetings and the initial vision and objectives of the plan. | Appendix C11 | |
July 17th | Pre-school talk | Appendix C12 | |
September 16th | Steering Group meeting | Appendix B8 | |
November 7th Sept 16th | Steering Group Meeting | Appendix B9 | |
December 10th | Public consultation for first Objective | Appendix C13 | |
January 7th, 2014 | Steering Group Meeting for 2nd proposed objective | Appendix B10 | |
February 5th, 2014 | Steering Group Meeting for 2nd proposed Objective | Appendix B11 | |
March 6th, 2014 | Steering Group meeting for proposed objective,2 (Housing) | Appendix B12 | |
March 31st, 2014 | Steering group meeting for future planning and proposed Objective 3 (Traffic/transport/Road safety | Appendix B13 | |
April 1st – May 1st, 2014 | Questionnaire delivered to parish on Housing development | Appendix C14 | |
April 22nd, 2014 | Steering Group meeting for revision of Transport section of questionnaire | Appendix B14 | |
June 2nd , 2014 | Steering Group meeting to collate results of the Housing Questionnaire and to further work on the transport and facilities questionnaire. | Appendix B15 and C14 | |
June 30th, 2014 | Steering group met to discuass transport, leisure and facilities sections of the questionnaire. | Appendix B 16 | |
July 28th, 2014 | Steering group meeting to finalise questionnaire and distribution and revise opening pages of NDP document | Appendix B 17 | |
August 30th, 2014 | Questionnaire distributed to whole parish | See Appendix C15 | |
Sept. 10th, 2014 | Steering group meeting to discuss collation of results of questionnaire and publication of results. Further work on opening pages of NDP document. | Appendix B 18 | |
October 28th. 2014 | Steering group met to form objectives for Traffic and Transport, Leisure, Amenities and Facilities, | Appendix B19 | |
November 19th 2014 | Steering group meeting to discuss outcome of B19 and to look at the Business and Employment section of the questionnaire. | Appendix B20 | |
Dec 18th 2014 | Steering Group continuing with Business and Employment | Appendix B21 | |
Jan 19th 2015 | Steering group form Policy 5. First major draft of the NDP document. | Appendix B22 | |
Feb 9th 2015 | Amendment to document after spatial planning advice | Appendix B23 | |
March 2nd | Amendments to final document | Appendix B24 | |
March 23rd | Further amendments and re-draft to final document | Appendix B25 | |
April 11th | Public consultation of final document | Appendix C16 |
January 7th 2013 | B1 |
February 4th | B2 |
March 14th | B3 |
April 16th | B4 |
May 15th | B5 |
June 18th | B6 |
July 11th | B7 |
September 16th | B8 |
November 7th | B9 |
January 7th 2014 | B10 |
February 5th | B11 |
March 6th | B12 |
March 31st | B13 |
April 22nd | B14 |
June 2nd | B15 |
June 30th | B16 |
July 28th | B17 |
September 10th | B18 |
October 28th | B19 |
November 19th | B20 |
December 18th | B21 |
January 19th 2015 | B22 |
February 9th | B23 |
March 2nd | B24 |
March 23rd | B25 |
April 13th | B26 |
Number/pages | Consultation | Date | Attendance | Result |
C1 (p1-3) | Introductory public meeting in Village Hall |
15 October, 2012 |
Around 100 |
Decision to form an NDP |
C2 (p4) | Have your say cards | February 2013 | Less than 12 | Results published under C2 |
C3 (p5-6) | “Drop-in Sessions” | 24 January and 5 February 2013 | A few “dropped in” | Results published under C3 |
C4 (p9-12) | Area meeting Stamford bridge | 22 April 2013 | 12 | Results in C4 |
C5 (p13-17) | Area meeting Little Barrow and Broomhill | 30 April 2013 | 25 | Results in C5 |
C6 (p18-22) | Area meeting Long Green and environs | 7 May 2013 | 14 | Results in C6 |
C7 (p23-27) | Area meeting Irons lane and Hollowmoor Heath | 16 May 2013 | 12 | Results in C7 |
C8 (p28-33) | Area meeting Great Barrow | 6 June 2013 | 33 | Results in C8
C9 (p40-43) | Cheshire Community Action | 16 April 2013 | Steering Group | Results in C9 |
C10 (p44-77) | Primary School | 10 and 12 July 2013 | 66 both infants and juniors had separate presentations | Results in C10 |
C11 (p78-87) | Community presentation | 12 July 2013 | 12 | All the area meeting results displayed. Recorded in C11 |
C12 (p88-91) | Pre-School | July 2013 | 9 | Results in C12 |
C13 (p92-95) | Village Hall presentation of 1st draft Policy – the Environment | 10 December 2013 | Large crowds attending Lighting of the Christmas tree, mince pies and mulled wine. | Results in C14 |
C14 (p96-101) | House to house survey or 2nd draft Policy on Housing development | April 2014 | 56 returns | Results in C14 |
C15 (p102-125) | House to house survey for next 3 draft policies | September 2014 | 83 returns | Results in C15 |
C16 (p126-127) | Young People’s survey | December 2014 | 8 returns | Results in C16 |
C17 (p128-129) | 2nd survey for businesses and employment | January 2015 | 7 returns | Results in C17 |
C18 (p129-130) | Open public exhibition of the plan to date | 11 April 2015 | 73 | No amendments received |
ACTION PLAN PROGRESS AS OF JANUARY 2013 (Action plan as set out on pages 22 to 28 of the Parish Plan) Abbreviations: Y=Yes, N=No, P=In Progress/Ongoing, BPC=Barrow Parish Council, CWaC=Cheshire West & Chester Council, PROW=Public Rights of Way Note: References to Cheshire County Council (CCC) and Chester City Council (CC) in the Parish Plan have been changed to Cheshire West & Chester (CWaC) to reflect Local Government changes |
Section | Issue | Action Required | Lead | Achieved
Y/N/P |
Remarks | |||||
Housing Policy | Provide CWAC with updated housing policy statement | Lodge with Forward Planning | BPC | P | Regular meetings with Forward Planning plus senior CWAC figures | |||||
Housing Policy | Consider proactive policy on new housing | (a) Establish needs
(b) Discuss with CWAC planners and residents |
BPC | (a) Y
(b) P |
See January 2011 presentation papers ON Nursery Field project.
Regular meetings with Forward Planning plus senior CWAC figures |
Housing Policy | Maintain relationship with Barrowmore | Continue dialogue | BPC | Y | Regular meetings with Ch Exc and BPC (RT,ZT,PD)
Also see broadband section |
Housing Policy | Seek improved influence in planning issues | Commission VDS, now replaced by Localism Bill and NDP | BPC | Y & P | Regular meetings with Forward Planning | |||||
PO & Stores | Maintain viability | Support manager & liaison with owner | Shop Committee then BPC | Y | Shop closed. BPC provided help and advice to new owners leading to reopening.
Restoration of PO unlikely. |
PO & Stores | Seek community support | Publicise importance of facility | Shop Committee then BPC | Y | As above | |||||
Transport |
Risk to pedestrians on B5132 | Press CWAC to complete Promenade refurbishment | EJ | Y | Further work could improve walkway. Adjacent landowner needs to cut hedge.
Plans to clear back over spill from verge (RT/PD/AndyF) |
Traffic/Transport | Risk to pedestrians on B5132 | Establish extended footway to Stamford Bridge (Phase 1 Barrow to Stamford Bridge) | BPC | Y | Completed December 2012 | |||||
Transport |
Risk to pedestrians on B5132 | Establish extended footway to Stamford Bridge (Phase 2 Footbridge over Milton Brook | BPC | N | Land ownership issues/ finance | |||||
Transport |
Risk to pedestrians on B5132 | Establish extended footway to Stamford Bridge (Phase 3 Milton Brook to Stamford Bridge) | BPC | N | Land ownership issues/ finance | |||||
Transport |
Risk to pedestrians at Hawkins View | Press for footway link between HV and Lampits Lane | BPC | P | In hand to complete first ¼ 2013 | |||||
Section | Issue | Action Required | Lead | Achieved
Y/N/P |
Remarks | |||||
Transport |
Risk to pedestrians at Heath Lane | Press for 20mph speed limit, consider other options | BPC | Y & P | Ongoing. Reduction to 20 mph unlikely, BPC considering provision of speed warning sign. | |||||
Transport |
Dangerous road surfaces | Press for resurfacing of Village Road | EJ (Ward councillor) | Y | Village Rd top dressed approx 2008.Financial restraints nationally preclude major works at present. | |||||
Transport |
Top Lane surface | Discuss funding of improvement with CWaC | EJ/PCD | Y | Section from Greenfields to Ferma Lane improved by Hanover. Ownership remains uncertain | |||||
Traffic/Transport | Slurry on Top Lane
(and Parish generally) |
Discuss with farmers | PD/BPC | Y | Sewage residue spreading encouraged by EC rules. Farmers have limited control. Promises given to try to spread in wet weather to minimise foul odour has only limited benefit. | |||||
Transport |
Off road parking on Long Looms Nos 1-8 (Phase 1) | In hand | RT/EJ | Y and P | Parking facility built by former Chester City Council was faulty. New, improved parking facility awaiting construction first quarter of 2013. | |||||
Transport |
Off road parking on Long Looms Nos 9-16. (Phase 2) | In hand | RT/EJ | P | Parking for circa 9 to 16 vehicles approved in principle, construction expected during 2013. Some S106 cash may be utilised towards cost, | |||||
Transport |
Off road parking on Long Looms Nos 17-20 (Phase 3) | In hand | RT/EJ | P | Considerable negotiation with CDHT has led to agreement to demolish old garages behind these properties. To be funded by BPC and CDHT. Awaiting clarification of legal issues over long-term access. | |||||
Transport |
Off road parking Lampits Lane | Devise solution, incorporating Phase 3 of Long Looms parking. | BPC | P | Phase 3 of LL parking proposal will help ease problem. Some properties have had on site parking built. 2 properties have no potential for own parking. | |||||
Traffic/Transport | Off road parking for Main St and playing field | Plan Nursery Field Scheme | In practice BPC led by RT & PD | P | NF landowner willing to provide circa 20 vehicle parking and school crossing if limited development agreed. (See Public Presentation 11/1/2012 which received good village support) | |||||
Transport |
HGV Traffic
(Actually now defined as LGV) |
Seek 7.5 tonne GVW limit | BPC | Y | CW&C Highways erected LGV restriction signs on B5132 during railway bridge repairs at Little Barrow. These remain, but are not legally enforceable. They have had some success in reducing LGV traffic | |||||
Transport |
B5132 Safety
(1) Renew speed monitoring and liaise with police | BPC | Y | Permanent SID signs at Barrow entrance on B5132. SID signs at Little Barrow under active consideration for spring 2013. Police conduct regular speed gun sorties around village and prosecute offenders. | |||||
Section | Issue | Action Required | Lead | Achieved
Y/N/P |
Remarks |
Transport |
B5132 Safety
(2) Press for Pedestrian crossing | BPC | P | NF landowner willing to provide circa 20 vehicle parking and school crossing if limited development agreed. (See Public Presentation 11/1/2012 which received good village support) |
Transport |
B5132 Safety
(3) Improve Main St Egress | BPC | N | It is possible the Nursery Field proposal could present an opportunity for improvement. |
Traffic/Transport | Lack of transport for those without cars | (1) Expand use of BPC mini-bus | BPC | Y | Not viable. Mini bus donated to Barrow School, therefore not presently available for community use. |
Transport |
Lack of transport for those without cars | (2) Review Delivery Schemes | BPC | Y & P | On demand bus service available for registered users but has very limited capacity. Limited demand suggests a regular commercial service would not be viable. |
Communications | Install notice boards. | 4 Parish Council notice boards installed at Shop, Irons Lane, Little Barrow & Lansdowne Road. Community notice board fixed on wall at White Horse Inn. | BPC (RT) | Y | |
Communications | Establish Parish website | Typo 3 site up, proved inflexible so changed to WordPress site | BPC (PD) | Y | Website functional. Undergoing further development in 2013. |
Policing | Maintain pressure on Police for proactive policing | More regular patrolling, speed checks, response to problems | BPC | Y | BPC has regular meetings with local “Bobby”, who also holds surgeries in Village. Regular speeding etc checks on B5132 |
Retention of Village activities | Village identity | Community group? | P | ||
Barrowmore | Encourage links to community | Community group? | Y | Much better communication and mutual regard established. Note: Barrowmore open day in 2012 and development plans afoot | |
Barrowmore | Involve in website. | Y | BPC has put a link to Barrowmore in the Village Website | ||
Youth Club | Consider need for pavilion extension | BPPFF | Y | Plans drawn up but financial restraints have held up progress at present. | |
Youth facilities | Develop MUGA / games scheme | Many residents need to be convinced of need / nuisance value from noise | Project renew | N & P | If progressed , finance required and a suitable nuisance free site, perhaps within proposed Barrowmore sports facility |
Playing Field | Consider options as Project Renew emerges | Project Renew responsibility adopted by the Parish Council | Project Renew | Y &P | No firm plans have emerged yet. BPPFF committee has made piecemeal improvements and changes. “Fields in Trust” registration in hand. |
Section | Issue | Action Required | Lead | Achieved
Y/N/P |
Remarks |
Village Hall | Consider uses for spare capacity | VH committee has made improvements and increased use – playschool, orchestra, parties etc. | VH trustees | Y | Out of BPC control, as is the responsibility of the Village Hall Committee |
Welcome brochure | Update and incorporate in website | New management of project within Church. Brochure rewritten and stored electronically so that revisions may be made quickly. | Church | Y | Stored on computer and Church website. Small run copies ensure printing costs are minimised and the brochure can be kept updated without print waste. Will put link to Village website by end of January 2013 |
Barrow News | Increase community content | Due editor’s illness, the production of the BN taken over by Vicar.
BPC to discuss content with editorial staff. |
Church / BN committee | P | New printer bought by Church has reduced print costs and improved efficiency. BPC continues to provide significant financial support in return for publication of minutes etc. |
Environment Group | Environment Group to be established and Terms of reference agreed with BPC | BEG established | BEG | Y | |
Planning applications | BEG to view applications and advise BPC | Y | BPC rejected this proposal as it alone has a statutory duty to comment on PA. However, it has agreed to consult whenever it considers it appropriate | ||
& General Environment |
1. Investigate production of Bio-diversity audit | Ongoing | BPC/BEG | P | |
& General Environment |
2 Trees | Protect/replace TPO. Identify further TPO needs, Plan future planting, Attend to deteriorating woodland | BEG /Tree Society | Y | Ferma Wood Trust, NAB Wood, assorted plantings around village |
& General Environment |
3. Wild flowers | Potential planting areas identified and expert advice taken | BEG | P | Minimal progress to date |
& General Environment |
4. Grass Verges | Grass cutting reorganised by CWAC –Street Scene & Highways Depts. | BPC/
Y | |
& General Environment |
5. General | “Black spots” list to be updated | BPC, Footpaths
P | |
Public Rights of Way | 1.Advise CWAC PROW Officer of damage or obstructions to footpaths | Footpaths Committee has carried out overall appraisal | Footpaths & BPC | Y | Footpaths Committee has excellent record and keeps close watch on all paths |
Section | Issue | Action Required | Lead | Achieved
Y/N/P |
Remarks |
Public Rights of Way | 2. Consider case for new ROW and permissive footpaths | Constantly under review. | Footpaths & BPC | Y | New B5132 footpath to be added to definitive PROW map at next update by CWAC. BPC to monitor |
Public Rights of Way | 3. Identify sites for seating by footpaths | In addition, since PP was finalised a number of “View Points” have been identified and are in the process of being signed. | Footpaths | Y | a. Bench in Ferma Wood
b. Bench agreed for B5132 footpath. |
Public Rights of Way | 4. Conserve historic stiles and seek listing. | Footpaths | Y | Historic stone stile on Walk No ? | |
Horse riding | 1. Explore provision of off-road riding facilities and bridleways | Path 29, off Barnhouse Lane is only official bridleway | Footpaths & BPC | Y | Equine traffic on unapproved lanes causes’ damage, particularly to those with rolled in surface dressing. |
Horse riding | 2. Seek understanding of riders to avoid damage to footpaths | Several lanes have had “ no riders” signs erected | Footpaths & BPC | Y &P | Further consultation with local livery yards and riding schools to be considered |
Policies |
1. Encourage reporting of pollution and nuisance | Worst nuisance s are from thoughtless Hunt activity and sewage residue spreading, which gives unpleasant smells over a wide area | BPC | Y | Representations to farmers resulted in efforts to conduct spreading in rainy conditions, as it is thought this washes in the product quickly and reduces smell. We have to accept such spreading is encouraged by EC regulations. |
AgriculturalPolicies | 2. Ensure implications for the environment of diversification proposals are taken into account/ | BEG | P | Ongoing | |
Policies |
3. Create forum for farmers and residents to share understanding of stewardship and issues. | BPC & BEG | N | Not yet developed | |
Conservation areas | 1.Seek inclusion of Barrowmore Estate in the Conservation Area | Requires development with CWAC | BPC & Barrowmore & CWAC | P | View potential residential development at Barrowmore Industries site it is unlikely Barrowmore would support this at present. |
Conservation areas | 2.As owner, maintain & protect Church Lane | BPC has contracted upkeep to BEG | BPC & BEG | Y | BEG keeps pathway open by strimming and protects rare plants |
Section | Issue | Action Required | Lead | Achieved
Y/N/P |
Remarks |
Conservation areas | 3. Seek conservation of traditional stone walls | See section above on “Black spot” audit | BPC & BEG & Footpaths | Y | Special attention to Nursery Field wall on Main St, if development project bears fruit. |
Conservation areas | 4. Ensure buildings and trees in the conservation area are managed appropriately | BPC carefully monitors planning applications etc to ensure this is observed | BPC | Y | CWAC Conservation Officer is consulted on all planning applications in the Conservation Area. In addition, Tree Officer deals with applications to work on trees. |
Rural Village | 1.a. Seek provision of litter and dog waste bins | Several litter bins and one dog waste bin were sourced and placed in key village spots since the Parish Plan was finalised | BPC & CWAC | Y | Additional dog bins considered. Difficulties in having them emptied since we lost the Village Lengthsman. |
Rural Village | 1.b. Seek surveillance of fly tipping sites etc | CWAC has placed warning signage on black spots | BPC & CWAC | Y | Public support in vigilance and rapid reporting is essential to help reduce fly tipping. |
Rural Village | 1.c. Promote youth awareness and involvement. | Youth Club and Church Child activity leaders explain to members | Youth Club & Church leaders | Y | |
Rural Village | 1.d Increase provision of skips | Village Hall Car park, Allotments and post Bonfire clear up require skips | BPC | Y | 4 skips pa (2x2each) provided at VH Car park in spring and autumn. 1 skip pa at each of the Allotments & Bonfire site are provided by BPC |
Rural Village | 2. Noise from developments | Take account of noise pollution implications of new development proposals. | BPC | P | No developments finalised as of January 2013. Only appreciable noise is likely to be restricted to construction period. |
Rural Village | 3. Reassess adequacy of sewage and drainage systems. | Further discussion with United Utilities Waste Water Division. | BPC | P | CWAC Planners must be persuaded to consider wastewater removal facilities when considering planning applications. |
Rural Village | 4. Raise awareness of Best Kept Village competition | Was won in 2008 | BPC & all parish | Y | Due state of Long Looms 1-8 parking BPC did not enter recent competitions, but may do so in future. |
Rural Village | 5. Monitor & seek continued improvement of watercourses | BPC commissioned a survey by a civil engineer to look at Milton Brook upstream of Barrow Mill | BPC | Y | Much of the land surrounding Milton Brook and other streams is liable to flooding. The fitment of a non-return valve to a sewage pipe near the foot of Mill Lane has reduced sewage flooding in that area. |
Barrow Parish Council
Site Meeting with Rob Brooks (CWaC Highways) on Friday 19 September 2014
Present: Councillors Sally James, Eleanor Johnson
Following a discussion on site about the various issues relating to highways within Barrow village, the Parish Council was asked to prioritise the work.
Priority 1
Broomhill Lane/ Long Green |
To be 40mph |
Priority 2 Barnhouse Lane/ Irons Lane | Both to be 40mph |
Priority 3 | White lining of road edge from Little Barrow Hall to Lodge Farm. This was promised some 18 months ago and has not yet been done. It is needed as soon as possible. |
Can all of the proposed works be contained in one advertisement to save costs with the work being completed over, four years.