Barrow Books of Remembrance

The History Group are delighted that the Book of Remembrance for World War Two has now been completed and is in the display cabinet at Church, along with the Book of Remembrance for World War One, and the Roll of Honour. There are reference copies of these three Books in the drawer of the cabinet and working copies can also be obtained from the Archive.

The Book of Remembrance Project was started in 2008, as a result of a suggestion made by Major Peter Moore, supported by Peter Dobbs and Ken Lloyd and later joined by George Hall. Sadly, Peter Moore died just a few days before the World War Two Book was placed in Church on Remembrance Sunday this year, but we were very pleased that he was able to see the Project through to completion.

The initial aim was to research the lives and military careers of those remembered in Barrow as having given their lives in the two World Wars of the twentieth century. It is hoped that the Books will help, not only in remembering those who gave their lives, but also in providing some insight into Barrow village life in the first half of the twentieth century. It is inevitable that some information has had to be omitted from the Books and that more relevant information may come to light in the future. With this in mind, the research files will be kept in the Archive and further information added as and when required.

To mark the completion of the Project we would like to thank all the volunteers who contributed as follows:

The Book of Remembrance Team: Mr Peter Dobbs, Mrs Julia Frew, Mr George Hall, Mr Vernon Hockley, Mr Kenneth Lloyd, Major Peter Moore OBE, Mrs Judith Smith, Mrs Julia Tillotson and Mrs Chris Youngs.

The families of those commemorated in these books.

The staff at Barrowmore .

Mrs Christine Sirman for permission to use photos of houses in Barrow from Mrs Synge’s photo album.

Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

Chester and Chester Records Office.

We should also like to acknowledge the Financial support received from: Barrow Parish Council, Councillor Eleanor Johnson (Cheshire West & Chester Council), Mr & Mrs B Owen, The Trefula Trust and a number of donors who prefer to remain anonymous

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