Effective 10th January the White Horse has introduced a new menu. Recently, some village organizations have held lunches and dinners in the White Horse and considered the food to be excellent.

Check out the new menu by clicking on the link below

Evening specials are:

  1. Burger and pint for £10 every Tuesday
  2. Steak for 2 plus a bottle of wine for £35 every Thursday

For further details and bookings please call Paula on 01829 741633 or 07739 516698 or email paula3369@hotmail.com

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Shop Lease Agreement Meeting 2nd December

Barrow Parish CouncilandGreat Barrow Community Shop LtdMeeting in PublicTo review and discuss the LeaseAgreement betweenBarrow Parish Counciland theGreat Barrow Community Shop LtdCommitteeTo be held on Wednesday 2nd Decemberat 7.30pmVia Zoom.MEMBERS

Wildlife Connections is a project led by Chester Zoo to create safe spaces for our most precious local wildlife.

By creating connections from one wildlife-friendly space to the next we can create wildlife highways through our neighbourhoods and protect the precious wildlife that we love. There are plenty of