The Footpaths Committee has issued details of a Permissive Path Closure and a New Route to access Lower Ferma Lane and Ferma Wood.

Permissive Path Closure and a New Route

Following upon the closure of the permissive footpath linking to Lower Lane, a new permissive path route is being made available to access Ferma Wood.

Follow Footpath 3 on the route known locally as ‘the diagonal’, which is immediately to the right of the closed path. Cross the first field and go through the kissing gate, then turn sharp left and follow the fence line to the point at which it re-joins the old permissive path. Then turn right to descend to Ferma Wood.

Please keep closely to this new route and do not ‘cut the corner’. This permissive path is being made available by the kind permission of the landowners to allow access into Ferma Wood from the village.

Chris Youngs

Chair of Footpaths Committee

Addendum: As there may be differing views on this proposal, it has been decided to operate the new route for a trial period of one month, after which there will be a review.

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