Christian Aid Week Appeal 10 – 16 May 2021

Christian Aid works with local partners and communities to fight injustice, respond to humanitarian emergencies, campaign for change, and help people claim the services and rights they are entitled to throughout the world,

Their work includes helping people to:

  • claim their rights and access services such as healthcare and education
  • ensure they are not discriminated against for any reason
  • become more resilient to shocks and disasters such as drought, climate change and hurricanes
  • make the most of opportunities, such as being able to sell their produce for a fair price. 

How is your donated money used:-

Eighty-six pence in every £1 is used for direct charitable purposes.  Of this, 43p supports the long-term development projects, 35p is spent on humanitarian and emergencies and 8p on campaigning, advocacy and education. The remaining 14p is invested in fundraising. For every £1 we invest, we secure more than £7 in return.

In the May’s edition of Barrow News there will be  information on how to give to Christian Aid by envelope or on-line. It’s an extremely difficult time for all charities across the world especially with governments cutting their aid programmes.

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Film Night – 26th October

The film to be shown in the Village Hall on Saturday 26th October is The Green Book 12A Dr Don Shirley is a world-class African-American pianist, who is about to

Fish & Chip Van Thursdays

Fish and Chip Van will be calling on Thursdays from the 14th May at the Playing Field from 5 – 7pm. Please support this facility.


Re: Planning Application 19/01420/OUT Barrowmore Ltd, Barnhouse Lane, Barrow. CH3 7JA The Parish Council is hosting two open events at Barrow School, to view the above noted planning application, which