It has been another busy start to the term at Barrow School. The children have been working hard to learn a poem off by heart for National Poetry Day. They enjoyed dressing up in costumes linked to their poem and we all had lots of fun at our whole school poetry recital.
Children and staff were proud to show our visitors round on our school open day earlier in the term. It was good to welcome members of our village to see our school in action on the day and to help raise funds at our coffee afternoon for Macmillan Cancer Support charity.
The children have been working hard to practise and rehearse for the Harvest Festival and they have been busy painting and creating poems to share on the day.
We are also proud to be represented at the Animal Earth art exhibition at Vicars Cross Golf Club. The older children have been working hard to prepare their art work to display there on Saturday 19th October. If you get chance, please do call in to view the children’s work and see the other exhibitors on display.
A big thank you to everyone who supported our garden open day earlier in the year. It was wonderful to see so many visitors from the village and the children were delighted to give tours of the school and share the history of the gardens. An extra special thank you to Steph Heard for all of her help building up to the day and for helping the children prepare the gardens in the weeks before. Thank you also to Barrowmore, North Western Plants and Okells garden centre for their kind donations towards the event. The gardens and allotment areas are much improved and the children have loved growing and learning about the different plants and trees.
If anyone would be willing to volunteer some time to help maintain our school garden or allotment, then please do contact the school. Any help would be gratefully received.
Please find below some dates for forthcoming events to which you are all warmly invited:
Thursday 12th December – Our Infant children will be performing their Christmas Nativity Play at 2 pm and 6pm in the school hall.
Wednesday 18th December – children will be performing a Carol Concert 6PM at Saint Bartholomew’s Church
I do hope you are able to make it to one of our events.
With many thanks for your continued help and support
Kind Regards
Mrs Lucy Wainwright
Head Teacher
Barrow CE School