Let Them Eat Cake
I question the motivation
Of the Buzzards in my charge
Do they seek invigoration
Or are they merely living it large?
Are they measuring their body fat
And calorific intake
Or is the Picnic Table where it’s at
For choc chip brownie cake?
Each day should start with stretches
Maybe press-ups and a lunge
It’s not all about who fetches
Double layered Victoria sponge
Is butter icing necessary
To carbohydrate load
These vegan buns are seeded
Is that really Rocky Road?
Did Paula leave those biscuits
Those flapjacks are the best
Lemon drizzle? Should I risk it
Go on then, and the rest…
The priorities it must be said
Are all too plain to see
Sultana and Banana Bread
Full fat or gluten-free
If you want to soar, bake and/or munch with the Barrow Buzzard Runners we meet on the Playing Field to stretch our wings and jaw muscles every Saturday morning, 5K off-road and on-road – And now we’re back to Flights of Six, for a friendly run in the Barrow Spring Sun, all followed by home baked socially distanced cake and biscuits, naturally.