Barrow Parish Council and Great Barrow Community Shop Ltd -Meeting in Public

To review and discuss the Lease Agreement between Barrow Parish Council and the Great Barrow Community Shop Ltd Committee.

To be held on Tuesday 17th November at 7.30 pm via ZOOM

Members of the Public wishing to attend this meeting must contact the Parish Council Clerk, in advance of the meeting to be given access details, by emailing to or telephone 07805 698388

Note by www.greatbarrow .com website is an independent community website that is not financially supported by local government sources. It does not normally post Barrow Parish Council notices. The above message involves the Great Barrow Community Shop and may be of interest to the wider community.

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Jones-New Rose for NHS

The Jones’s launch a new rose to say a Heartfelt thanks to their NHS Heroes,Writes Fi MilesTarvin rose business, C & K Jones based at GoldenFields Nursery, on Barrow Lane,

White Horse – October 20

Thank you once again for all your wonderful support during these very difficult and worrying times. September has seen a dip in trade and with it comes the new government


Advanced warning for Local Residents The 36th Essar Four Villages Half Marathon will take place on Sunday 20th January 2019, through the local parishes of Helsby, Dunham on the Hill,