“Barrow Together” – Meet your New Parish Councillors
Barrow has an all-new Parish Council and we think it would be good for people in the village to have the chance to meet us and raise any concerns, thoughts and ideas they may have about how we can continue to nurture the unique ambience, surroundings and spirit of the village in the years ahead.
So, subject to Covid restrictions, we would like to invite you to attend “Barrow Together”, an open meeting where we can start the process of working together to make Barrow an even better place to live, work and grow up. It’s not a Parish Council meeting, it’s a forum to bring the village together and to share ideas and anything that may concern you. The venue is to be confirmed as we are trying to ensure that as many people as possible have the chance to attend in comfort and safety – so please check the Community web site and watch this space!